Friday, February 27, 2009

Becoming a Godly Wife

So lately in scripture and radio and sermons I've been getting the message that I need to be a more encouraging and respectful wife. I don't know why this is so hard to do, but it sure is sometimes. I have been working really hard at it and feel like I have been making improvements. The best thing I try to remember is to say two less negative things each day. This is a very realistic goal and has really helped me learn to bite my tongue. With the added stress of another kid and no sleep it has been even more of a challenge, but we have both risen to the occasion and have really worked things out and have learned to manage our stress and most of the time not take it out on one another. One of the most convicting scriptures I read recently was proverbs 10:21-The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment. This one was so clear from God and just made me feel the guilt I should in my conscience. I felt like God said okay Whitney, you are so concerned about the nutrition and food you feed your family, but what spiritual food are you feeding your husband? I had to answer the question by saying I feed him spiritual pork rinds, hot dogs and gas station nacho cheese. Yep, cheap, nutrient void, over processed, blood pressure increasing spiritual food that rots his soul. Sooo, I decided to look at this in a new way and remember that I not only need to feed his body good food, but also his emotions and spirit. The other verse I liked was Proverbs 24:By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
I truly want the rooms of my house to be filled with beautiful treasures; Godly children,a strong healthy marriage and of course who ever else is staying with us at the time;)

(Isn't that first picture gross, it fits so perfectly for this blog. Maybe I should print that and have it on my fridge and mirror as a reminder :) hehe)