Sunday, November 2, 2008

A very special girl - Take 2

God has been preparing our hearts to minister to Molly's sister Clair. Until the last few weeks she would be on my heart here and there, but now it has been constant for a few weeks. This past week I saw her at church and as I hugged her we both started balling. I could feel her hurt oozing into me as she just held on and would not break the embrace. It broke my heart. I told Molly to check in on her and after she did she told me that the people closest to Clair had started to doubt her and her situation and were closing their eyes to her pain. Of course this is what happened to Molly right before we met. I refuse to be that person, so I started praying and thinking about her a lot. One morning I woke up and before I even got out of my bedroom the thought crossed my I ready to take her in? It kind of surprised me because I thought the friend who started to back away was going to let her live there. Well, then I thought...I bet her friend decided to not let her stay. I prayed about it and decided if that was the case that we would take her in (providing Jared agreed) Not an hour later Molly called and was so upset and told me that Clair's friend did back out and now she had no where to go. I just had to smile in spite of the news because God had been whispering to me that morning. I talked with Jared and it went like this:

Me: Hey hon, I want you to pray about letting Clair stay with us because her other option backed out.

J: What are we going to do say no?

Me: Well, of course not but I thought you might want to pray about it.

J: I will but I'm totally fine with it, we need to get that room ready anyway:)

I love my husband! He is so great and loving and open to letting our lives be used for God's purposes. He didn't even bat an eye or think twice, I love that!!

So I called her last night and extended the invitation to stay weekends from now until she is 18 and then to live here full time after that (December). She didn't agree yet, but she got choked up and just said "I don't know what to say but thank you." We will see where this takes us, but for now it feels good to have God working so obviously in our lives. We will need support and prayer as we move forward...we are blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for her and you guys. God bless!