Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God Answeres Prayers

So since we have decided to have Molly's sister come live with us I have been praying that God would provide for us in any way that we needed to do this successfully. I was a little concerned about how we would pay for the extra groceries, gas, car insurance etc for a teenage girl in her senior year all while preparing for the new expenses of a baby and the adoption. Well, as our assistant pastor said a few weeks ago "when you take the time to help others it gets God's attention" I guess it did because God provided for this concern today!! I met with Molly and the lady she has been blessed to be mothered by for the last few years. This woman runs a house for college students called the Alpha Omega house. As she has gotten to know Molly and cared for her like her own daughter she has grown to care for her sister as well. She said she has prayed about letting her come stay at the house but feels like God isn't leading her down that path. She did however say that she was more than willing to help me through this and partner with us to help Clair out. On top of that, which was wonderful, she said she felt lead to send a portion of her tithe our way to help with expenses. I don't know details yet, but I couldn't help but tear up and praise God for so quickly answering that prayer! What a blessing and relief this was. I know that even without the help we would somehow have made it work, but this is so helpful. It is wonderful to know that there are other Christians out there willing to do the tough stuff. When I walked through this with Molly I had no one else to turn to, but this time we have a whole team of people committed to showing this girl love and life! Praise be to God


Anonymous said...

That is one awesome answer to prayer and an awesome testimony! I'll continue praying for you all. God Bless!

Cassie said...

Wow! How great! Isn't it nice when God so obviously leads and blesses?! I'm proud of you guys for your awesome faith and will keep praying for this new chapter in your lives.